Answers 2000 Data Protection and Collection Policy

Answers 2000 Limited is a private limited company registered in England under number 3574155, The company operates a number of websites (as well performing various offline services), all hosted in the United Kingdom, and complies with all applicable data protection legislation, including being registered under The Data Protection Act 1998. Furthermore the company endeavours to use industry best practices when processing, and to protect personal data.

Some of the measures we have taken include:
Data Collected by the Company

The company collects the following types of personal data on its websites:
Data Collected By and Our Relationships with Third Parties

The company works with, or has business relationships with a number of third parties. Some of these include:
Your Responsibilities

Some of our websites provide password protected areas, or areas for customers to replace "Lost Keys" or access downloads. It is your responsibility to use these responsibly including:
Your Rights

  • We will honour all requests to provide copies of any personal data that we are holding on you, or to correct any errors in personal data, or to delete personal data held on you (in this case, you may no longer be able to access our products, services, and/or websites).


    All our websites include cookie consent notifications (as well as explaining the site's use of cookies in the privacy policy).
    IP address

    All our websites include an explanation of the site's IP address usage in their privacy policy.
    Contacting Us

    If you need to contact us: